Welcome to Pivoting to WEB3 Podcast
Oct. 10, 2023

PTW3 012: | Disruptor DAO: Community Empowerment and WEB3 Technologies with Angelé Doyne and Donna Mitchell

In this episode of Pivoting to Web3, Donna Mitchell talks with Angelé Doyne from Disruptor DAO about the concept and impact of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). Angelé explains what a DAO is, how Disruptor DAO was formed, and its mission to promote education and opportunities in WEB3 technology, particularly for Black and Brown women. The conversation covers the role of DAOs in advancing real-world solutions, the integration of blockchain technology, and the significance of shifting mindsets towards innovative technologies.

What is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization or DAO? We see this in the WEB3 news every now and then, but for most people, it sounds like a very technical thing.

Join us in this episode of Pivoting to Web3 as Donna speaks with Angelé Doyne from Disruptor DAO about their mission and the real-world solutions that a DAO can bring. Learn how their organization promotes education about WEB3 technology that extends beyond cryptocurrencies. 


What to expect in this episode:

00:34 – Angelé’s background and her shift to Web 3.

03:43 – What is a DAO, and how they formed Disruptor DAO

09:06 – Advancing opportunities and Pillars of Impact.

12:32 – Donna on starting Pivoting to Web3

14:01 – Concerns and opportunities.

16:19 – Current projects of Disruptor DAO

18:48 – On education and investment

20:52 – Blending tech and real-world solutions.

24:02 – How media shaped the DAO perspective.

26:00 – Utilizing blockchain technology

27:56 – Wishlist for their project

31:32 – Synthesis and feedback


About Angelé Doyne

Angelé Doyne came from a background of working in nonprofit organizations, having worked in the public sector as well as the private sector, particularly on issues that affect small and diverse communities, and finding strategies to support local economic development. In all of those spaces, Angelé found the need to create a real tangible impact. 

About Disruptor DAO

Disruptor DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization, and an inclusive community, welcoming allies and partners committed to advancing wealth-building opportunities for Black and Brown women and our communities. Their mission is to accelerate wealth opportunities for Black and Brown women by shifting mindsets and advancing education and investment in innovative technology.

Connect with Disruptor DAO:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/disruptordao

Website: https://disruptordao.io/


About Donna Mitchell:

Donna Mitchell is the Founder and CEO of Mitchell Universal Network LLC. She has achieved two impressive careers in her lifetime. She began her journey as a change agent at US Airways, now American Airlines, dedicating 24 years to aviation and airline management. Following her successful tenure at US Airways, Donna embarked on a new venture with the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies, where she contributed 16 years.

Today, as a visionary business development consultant, Donna believes in reimagining and redesigning Life, Health, Wealth, and Careers. As the driving force behind Mitchell Universal Network LLC, she is determined to bridge the gap between Web2 systems and the transformative potential of Web3 strategic applications, and emerging technologies. She is committed to providing specialized expertise in Web3 and blockchain consulting, digital marketing, business leadership, and Blockchain as a Service (BaaS). 

 Connect with Donna Mitchell:

Podcast: https://www.PivotingToWEB3Podcast.com

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Connect with Donna Mitchell:

Website: https://mitchelluniversalnetwork.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/donna-mitchell-a1700619

Become a Podcast Guest: https://www.pivotingtoweb3podcast.com

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What to learn more: Pivoting To Web3 | Top 100 Jargon Terms

Angele' Doyne Profile Photo

Angele' Doyne


Angelé has spearheaded global initiatives that connect community-based organizations and public & private agencies to create economic sustainability in marginalized communities. Her work supports networks of businesses, people, and places to share resources that ignite innovation and local economic development. Angele' is the co-founder of Disruptor DAO, whose mission is to is to accelerate wealth opportunities for Black and Brown women by strengthening mindsets and advancing education and investment in disruptive technology.