Welcome to Pivoting to WEB3 Podcast

Music Episodes

Sept. 14, 2023

PTW3 008: | The WEB3 NFT Intersection of Music and Blockchain: Noble …

In this episode of Pivoting To Web3, Donna Mitchell speaks with Noble DraKoln, founder of BandRoyalty.com, about the intersection of blockchain technology and the music industry. Noble explains how blockchain and NFTs are transforming music royalties, allowing fans to participate …

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Jan. 9, 2024

PTW3 025:| BAND ROYALTY: Owning, Marketing, and Monetizing Music in t…

In this episode of Pivoting to Web 3, Donna Mitchell talks with Noble DraKoln, CEO of Band Royalty, about the future of the music industry in a WEB3 environment. Noble discusses how Band Royalty is transforming music ownership, marketing, and …

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Jan. 16, 2024

PTW3 026:| BAND ROYALTY: Unveiling the Secrets of Music Royalties in …

In this episode of Pivoting to Web 3, Donna Mitchell and Noble DraKoln, CEO of Band Royalty, delve into how Web 3 technologies like cryptocurrencies and blockchain are reshaping the music industry. Noble explains the intricacies of music royalties and …

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