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Music Episodes

Sept. 14, 2023

The WEB3 NFT Intersection of Music and Blockchain: Noble A. DraKoln's…

Send us a text What if being a fan goes beyond appreciation in supporting your favorite band? Imagine being able to have a vote in the future development of your favorite music artists, and participate in the financial ecosys...

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Jan. 9, 2024

BAND ROYALTY: Owning, Marketing, and Monetizing Music in the Changing…

Send us a text The evolution of technology is inevitable. We have seen the development from vinyl records to cassette tapes, compact discs, and others. Sure, we have the streaming platforms and the digital copies, but in the ...

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Jan. 16, 2024

BAND ROYALTY: Unveiling the Secrets of Music Royalties in the Changin…

Send us a text The music industry in the Web 3 landscape incorporates emerging technologies like cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Imagine if someone can bring it all together, the past and the present, and create an ecosystem...

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